On May 3rd an article is put out on the local newspaper «Diario Córdoba» related to the meeting held by Secondary Schools Principals of Córdoba to adress the new pedagogical changes. At this meeting, our school´s principals informed about the new optative subject Integrated European Project, specially devoted to 4º ESO students, as intellectual product of the Eramus+ program.

For more information, go to:  Principals´meeting

Furthermore, on May 17th an article is put out on «Diario Córdoba» in which a throughout information about the new optative subject Integrated European Project is given. For instance, it is informed what is the aim of this subject, what type of pupils it is targeted, underlining that it is an intellectual product of the Erasmus+ program developed by the IES Santa Rosa de Líma. Likewise, other Secondary schools are encouraged to apply for that new subject.

For more information, go to: The desciption of our new subject

On May 16th -20th it is held the fourth transnational meeting at the JSBG in Winsbach (Germany), with the aim of sharing and overseeing the activities developed around the dissemination of the work developed throughout the project and its intellectual outcome as an optional subject.

On April 26th-29th it is held the second  transnational meeting among German, Austrian and Spanish project coordinators with the aim of sharing the activities developed around the dissemination of the work developed throughout the project and its intellectual outcome as an optional subject.



El I.E.S. Santa Rosa de Lima, dentro de un proyecto Erasmus+, en colaboración con otros centros de Alemania y Austria, ha elaborado una nueva asignatura de emprendimiento llamada Proyecto Integrado Europeo. Se trata de una materia estructurada en cinco bloques: autoconocimiento, autonomía y conocimiento de los demás; conocimiento del entorno formativo y laboral en el marco de Europa; proyecto emprendedor cooperativo; tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, y el conocimiento del inglés en el entorno laboral.

La asignatura, que se impartirá en 4º ESO, pretende fomentar el espíritu emprendedor y reforzar el autoconocimiento y el sentimiento de identidad europeo, así como profundizar en la lengua inglesa, todo ello a través del trabajo en valores y del uso de las nuevas tecnologías.

A continuación podrás encontrar el curriculum de la asignatura adaptado a la legislación de España y Andalucia.

Attached, you can find the European, the Spanish and the Andalusian curriculo.

We are obliged to state that: «The European Commission support for the  production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.»

Estamos obligados a decir que: «El apoyo de la Comisión Europea para la elaboración de esta publicación no implica la aceptación de sus contenidos, que es responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores. Por tanto, la Comisión no es responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.»

European Curriculum:



Spanish Curriculum (Curriculum de la asignatura para España):



Andalusian Curriculum (Curriculum de la asignatura para Andalucia):

INTEGRATED EUROPEAN PROJECT. The Andalusian curriculum


1st Multiplier event:

On April 26th it is held, at the CEP Luisa Revuelta of Cordoba, JORNADA PROVINCIAL DE DIRECCIÓN CON ADIAN  (Asociación de Directores y Directoras de Secundaria):
LIDERAZGO Y GESTIÓN DEL CAMBIO (THE PROVINCIAL UPDATING COURSE FOR SCHOOL PRINCIPALS). This day is part of the specific training for the performance of their function at their schools.

At this day it is disseminated, as a multiplier event, the experience acquired about the creation of the new bilingual optional subject «Integrated European Project» at the IES Santa Rosa de Lima.

For more informatión, go to:


2nd Multiplier event:

On April 26th it is held, at the CEP Luisa Revuelta of Cordoba, JORNADA DE INTERCAMBIO DE EXPERIENCIAS DEL PROGRAMA INNICIA (EXPERIENCES EXCHANGE COURSE INCLUDED IN INNICIA PROGRAM). This course aims to create a meeting place for teachers partaking in this program, fostering the entrepeneurship among the youth.

At this meeting, as a multiplier event, it is carried out by Raúl Landa Navarro (Artistic and Sports Advisor of CEP Córdoba), the presentation of the experience acquired about the creation of the new bilingual optional subject «Integrated European Project».

For more informatión, go to:


3rd Multiplier event:

On April 27th it is held V FERIA DEL PLURILINGÜISMO (THE FITH PLURILINGÜISM FAIR) in the CEP Luisa Revuelta of Córdoba. Its aim is to promote the exchange and dissemination of educational experiences among bilingual and multilingual schools in Cordoba. It is a meeting among teachers belonging to AL and ANL bilingual schools and other teachers interested in knowing the development of these projects.

At this meeting, it is carried out by Raúl Landa Navarro (Artistic and Sports Advisor of CEP Córdoba), the presentation of the proposal about the new bilingual optional subject «European Integrated Project» as a multiplier event of the intellectual product corresponding to the Erasmus + kA219 developed at the IES Santa Rosa de Lima.

For more informatión, go to:


Further information:

For those of you attending the multiplier events, find attached both the poster and the leaflet about our subject:



Moreover, you can access to the teacher implementation guides, both in English and in Spanish.



4th Multiplier event:

On May 15th it is held a meeting among the students and the project coordinators on behalf of each country at the BUNDES-OBERSTUFENREAL GYMNASIUM (BORG) in Wiener Neustadt  (Austria), with the aim of disseminating the work developed throughout the project and its intellectual outcome as an optional subject.





5th Multiplier event:

On May 18th it is held a meeting among the students, their families and the project coordinators on behalf of each country at at the JSBG in Winsbach (Germany), with the aim of disseminating the work developed throughout the project and its intellectual outcome as an optional subject.

6th Multiplier event:

On June 8th it is held a meeting among the families of the 3º ESO students, in which Raúl Landa Navarro (Artistic and Sports Advisor of CEP Córdoba), along with other school representatives, offered the students the new subject for next year. This meeting can be considered as a multiplier event of the intellectual product corresponding to the Erasmus + kA219 developed at the IES Santa Rosa de Lima.



We start off 2017 with a course entitled: «ERASMUS + KA1 AND KA2 GOOD PRACTICE EXCHANGE DAYS IN THE PROVINCE OF CÓRDOBA» will be held, at the CEP of Córdoba premises. This activity definitely comes in handy for those schools with a work line in European Educational Programs (Erasmus +), as well as those ones intending to take part in Erasmus + (both KA1 projects and KA2 projects).

For more informatión, go to:


Hello everyone!


Welcome to the Erasmus + European Project, entitled:


This blog takes over the painstaking work, addressed by the blog erasmusmakealiving, along last year.




To begin with, it must be noted the transnational work meeting, held on September 26-30th at the premises of the CEP “Luisa Revuelta” in Córdoba, at the beginning of October, among German, Austrian and Spanish project coordinators.

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In this meeting, the necessary actions to establish the curriculum of a new subject, entitled “Integrated European Project”, were addressed. This new subject depicts the intellectual output of this project and has a design that can be applied in different countries.