On May 3rd an article is put out on the local newspaper «Diario Córdoba» related to the meeting held by Secondary Schools Principals of Córdoba to adress the new pedagogical changes. At this meeting, our school´s principals informed about the new optative subject Integrated European Project, specially devoted to 4º ESO students, as intellectual product of the Eramus+ program.
For more information, go to: Principals´meeting
Furthermore, on May 17th an article is put out on «Diario Córdoba» in which a throughout information about the new optative subject Integrated European Project is given. For instance, it is informed what is the aim of this subject, what type of pupils it is targeted, underlining that it is an intellectual product of the Erasmus+ program developed by the IES Santa Rosa de Líma. Likewise, other Secondary schools are encouraged to apply for that new subject.
For more information, go to: The desciption of our new subject